how to add weather and network monitor applet to i3bar?
Hi. I want add my location's weather to my i3bar. And also add network monitor to see download and upload speed. How can i do that? Thanks and sorry for my bad english...!
Hi. I want add my location's weather to my i3bar. And also add network monitor to see download and upload speed. How can i do that? Thanks and sorry for my bad english...!
I've been using conky for these two things. See here for more details on how to employ conky.
Conky networking objects you were asking for (replace eth0
with your networking interface name):
${upspeed eth0}
${downspeed eth0}
Weather is more complicated. I don't know how to make it work outside of the US, but for the US you can use the following objects (KSFO
corresponds to San Francisco, KNYC
to New York City):
${weather KSFO temperature}
"${weather KSFO cloud_cover}
${weather KSFO weather}
Error: status_command not found or is missing a library dependency (exit 127)... When i try to create a conky with that link this error shown to me in i3bar.
@HDArtworks: It's too little information, for me, to be able to tell you what went wrong. Do you get this message before adding the objects I listed above? Did you follow the conky/i3 tutorial? Do their examples give you the same error? Maybe run only conky and see if its text output makes sense.
@i3convert I get error before adding your objects. I just follow tutorials with the link you say to me! Sorry for my bad english.
answered 2015-08-07 07:54:26 +0000
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I like i3pystatus
Or if you don't like python, try i3blocks, and 2 useful i3blocks plugins:
Asked: 2015-07-01 13:20:25 +0000
Seen: 606 times
Last updated: Aug 07