Automaticly switch to workspace when app active
I want to switch to an active workspace automaticly if this workspace is active (if the square dot on the left-side of the bottom-bar is red). Is there any way to do that?
I want to switch to an active workspace automaticly if this workspace is active (if the square dot on the left-side of the bottom-bar is red). Is there any way to do that?
I found the answer in another question on the FAQ of i3wm.
This seems not to be possible in the current branch.
Thanks! This works perfectly! What's the difference between this and `focus_on_window_activation`?
Your fix is not always working; Sometimes I want to edit a specific file with Sublime Text. I will then open Sublime, and run `subl3 <filename>` to edit a specific file. My workspacebutton turns red, but i3wm doesn't switch my workspace.
Asked: 2015-07-02 21:12:27 +0000
Seen: 116 times
Last updated: Jul 02