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why does split vertical render windows with a horizontal split

asked 2015-07-12 04:02:54 +0000

sashang gravatar image

In the user guide it shows a vertically split container and the child windows are aligned horizontally. Why is this? What is being vertically split?

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2 answers

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answered 2015-07-12 08:20:17 +0000

Airblader gravatar image

In i3 terminology, a vertical split container means that the split direction is vertically (i.e., a new container will be added in the vertical direction). We are aware that this is counter-intuitive to some people, but intuitive to others. Either way, we cannot change it even if we wanted (but we don't want to, AFAIK).

If it confuses you, just change your keybindings for horizontal and vertical split to be the other way around.

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answered 2015-07-12 10:30:26 +0000

oberon gravatar image

I like to call it "tile vertically/horizontally" instead of "split" - maybe it is more helpful for you to imagine the next tile in a vertical or horizontal succession to the existing one...

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Asked: 2015-07-12 04:02:54 +0000

Seen: 67 times

Last updated: Jul 12