problem with focusing in floating windows

asked Jul 14 '15

sashang gravatar image

Floating windows don't seem to retain the focus properly. For example if I download something in firefox I get a floating window popping up that asks me where I want to save the file. But I can't click the OK or Save button. If I move the mouse over the save button and click it actually sends the click to the window behind the floating window. However the floating window is selected and it's title bare is highlighted. Anyone else know how to fix this?



That does sound like a bug. Please make sure you are running the latest i3 (4.10.2) and file a bug on Github with a log file.

Airblader gravatar imageAirblader (Jul 14 '15)edit

I don't see the problem when using i3 in a virtual machine though. I am beginning to suspect that my mouse is a problem since it's a R.A.T. 9 and sometimes pressing one of the non-standard buttons when running Linux unvirtualzied causes Linux to lose the mouse on the usb bus.

sashang gravatar imagesashang (Jul 15 '15)edit

If the dialog is focused but the click is sent to the window underneath it that means the input focus is on the window beneath. Only way to be sure is debugging it, hence the log file.

Airblader gravatar imageAirblader (Jul 15 '15)edit