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prompt to close a window (by mod+shift+q)

asked Jul 15 '15

diablo465 gravatar image

closing a window now becomes too easy. Is it possible to have a prompt to close a window?

2 answers

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answered Jul 15 '15

i3convert gravatar image

You can use i3 modes for this purpose. Pressing $mod+Shift+q moves you to a special mode, where it asks you if you really want to close the window. Then, in my example, pressing Enter or y will close the window. Pressing Escape or n will get you out of this mode.

set $close "Close the window? (y/n)"

mode $close {
    bindsym y kill, mode default
    bindsym Return kill, mode default

    bindsym n mode default
    bindsym Escape mode default

bindsym $mod+Shift+q mode $close

This is not perfect, but perhaps you'll like it.


A great alternative indeed! Never occurred to me to use modes like that.

Airblader gravatar imageAirblader (Jul 15 '15)edit

Thanks so much for the update. actually I just wish to enforce such prompt to iterm and rdesktop (WM_CLASS(STRING) = "xterm", "XTerm" and WM_CLASS(STRING) = "rdesktop", "rdesktop" ). how can i add an if function for this?

diablo465 gravatar imagediablo465 (Jul 16 '15)edit

@diablo456: You could write a script that uses the output of `i3-msg -t get_tree` to figure out the type of the currently focused window. Then it could either execute `i3-msg kill` (to kill the current window) or `i3-msg "mode Close the window? (y/n)"` (to switch to the auxiliary mode).

i3convert gravatar imagei3convert (Jul 16 '15)edit

answered Jul 15 '15

Airblader gravatar image

updated Jul 15 '15

Sure, but not from i3 itself. You can change your keybinding to execute this:

bindsym $mod+Shift+q exec --no-startup-id xdotool getactivewindow | xargs -I '{}' i3-nagbar -t warning -m "Do you really want to close this?" -b "Yes" "killall i3-nagbar; i3-msg [id='{}'] kill" -b "No" "killall i3-nagbar; i3-msg nop"

Not exactly pretty, but works. I don't think i3-nagbar is a great tool for this, though, but you can replace it with whatever tool you want to create the dialog with. For example, you can use zenity:

bindsym $mod+Shift+q exec --no-startup-id xdotool getactivewindow | xargs -I '{}' zenity --question && i3-msg [id='{}'] kill

I use xdotool to get the focused window first because if I simply do the dialog and kall i3-msg kill, you end up killing the wrong window.

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Asked: Jul 15 '15

Seen: 151 times

Last updated: Jul 15