Clash between Emacs and i3's shortcuts
asked 2015-07-16 08:20:03 +0000

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Hi all,
I have been looking around for a while but I really dont find any solution to this problem:
I just installed i3 on a Debian-based distribution. It works well as I was exepecting it (I already use i3 on another computer on Ubuntu).
But now, even if i declared fullscreen shortcut to be $mod+f (mod is Win key for me), when I type Ctrl-f my window toggles with fullscreen/tiled mode ! I am sure there is absolutely no shortcut using "Ctrl" in my configuration (~/.i3/config). The problem is: Ctrl-f is a common keyword in Emacs (go forward).
I tried to add "bindsym Ctrl+f nop" so I do not have the fullscreen toggling anymore but I still do not have Emacs "forward" shortcut.
Is there anyway to force to disable this shortcut only in i3 ? Where could I find the definition of this shortcut to delete the line ?
Thank you for helping me !