Right click on Macbook Pro
asked 2015-10-23 18:54:58 +0000

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I got a an old MacBook Pro (late 2011) at work and put Fedora with i3. Everything's working great except, today I realized I can't right click (in Gnome3 I was right clicking by clicking on the trackpad with two fingers. I tried some examples I found on this and another forum about adding bindsym entries to my i3/config file, but nothing has worked yet.
As far as I can tell, tapping the trackpad does not result in a "button1" input, like in the examples, since I cannot even get simple bindsym entries to work.
Does anybody have experience with MacBook Pro trackpad input that could give me some advice?
I really suggest you ask this in a place that's not only more suitable (since it's not an i3 question), but also a bit "busier", i.e., has more active people.