Mod+D doesn't work when...
Hi there,
I've found that when I set "export LANG=enHK.UTF-8" in /etc/profile.d/, the mod+d doesn't show up. But when I set "export LANG=enUS.UTF-8", the mod+d is just fine. What should I do?
Hi there,
I've found that when I set "export LANG=enHK.UTF-8" in /etc/profile.d/, the mod+d doesn't show up. But when I set "export LANG=enUS.UTF-8", the mod+d is just fine. What should I do?
"the mod+d" is just dmenu. Run it in a terminal and figure out why it doesn’t work.
I very strongly suspect this has nothing to do with i3 itself. See also if it works in a terminal.
When LANG=enHK.UTF-8, it returns "no locale support" if I type dmenu in the terminal. When LANG=enUS-UTF-8, nothing happens if I type dmenu in the terminal.
So, submit a bug at dmenu:
Why don't you just edit your settings to run "LANG=en_US.UTF-8 dmenu" instead of "dmenu" ?
@688a: Edit your ~/.i3/config of course: **bindsym $mod+e exec LANG=en__US.UTF-8 dmenu__run**
Asked: 2012-11-16 17:54:49 +0000
Seen: 1,462 times
Last updated: Nov 17 '12