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What is recommended file manager for i3wm?

asked Jun 8 '12

updated Jun 8 '12

I'm looking for suggestions of i3-friendly file manager which

  • fits well into the i3wm philosophy
  • lightweight
  • with no or very few dependencies
  • possibly fully-featured
  • easily or exclusively operated with keyboard
  • preferably graphical

For console, I consider Midnight Commander superior, but it's always good to learn about alternatives.

EDIT: Certainly, console itself is a very capable file manager what has been pointed in answers below. I should have clarified the question is about dedicated file management applications.

14 answers

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answered Jun 8 '12

miguel gravatar image

Ranger is a curses-based file manager with vi key bindings that has many features and performs most common tasks very quickly.


Ranger is always the recommended answer to anything :)

lkraav gravatar imagelkraav (Jul 8 '12)edit

Y like this: tilda + tmux + ranger

bitozoid gravatar imagebitozoid (Oct 23 '12)edit

Thanks for the suggestion. Didn't know about it and it's such an amazing file manager.

tblups gravatar imagetblups (Apr 14 '13)edit

I use ranger too

triplc gravatar imagetriplc (Jun 13 '14)edit

Does Ranger handle mounting flash drives? I use PCManFM and it does that.

zwl gravatar imagezwl (Mar 5 '15)edit

answered Jun 8 '12

joepd gravatar image



answered Sep 1 '13

phairland gravatar image

I use double commander as well.


answered Jun 11 '12

sysadamin gravatar image

i like vifm.

console based, nicer-looking than MC, and vim keybindings.


answered Jun 15 '12

ROX is a lightweight GTK2 Filemanager, I use it on every of my machines.


I just tried this one tonight and indeed it fits well in a tilling window manager. The pinboard feature is nice to have kind of a desktop on one workplace only. You may have a bar on all workplace and below the i3bar with the panel feature. The overall is indeed light‑weight.

Hibou57 gravatar imageHibou57 (Apr 5 '13)edit

answered Jun 19 '12

MeanEYE gravatar image

updated Jun 19 '12

I am using my own file manager. Give it a shot. You might like it. :p

image description


Thanks! Despite I'm a bit sceptical about Python, your project looks very interesting. I'm going to give it a try. EDIT: After 5 minutes with Sunflower, it leaped to the first place on my list of the GUI twin panel file managers. Great work!

mloskot gravatar imagemloskot (Jun 24 '12)edit

@mloskot Thanks, glad you like it. It's still a work in progress and features are still missing, but it's being worked on. If you need a feature, just make a new enhancement request on our issues list and have patience. :D

MeanEYE gravatar imageMeanEYE (Jun 25 '12)edit

Wow! Missing features like doing dishes and walking the dog right? That thing looks fast, nicely laid out and incredibly intuitive. Nice work!

TheRaven gravatar imageTheRaven (Jan 22 '15)edit

answered Jun 1 '14

x3map gravatar image

Total Commander under wine !!!


answered Jun 9 '12

People might criticize me here, but if you need all that (full-featured), why don't just stick with nautilus? At least for personal use (thumbnails of files, images and videos, etc), it has everything I need.

But I agree that the i3wm philosophy might be more toward the terminal-ish styles people shared here (at work I also rely on old ls/cp/rm/mv commands too).


I prefer using keyboard than mouse, thus I indicated the i3wm philosophy. Nautilus is fully-featured, but it is not even close to what I consider as file management ergonomy. Ideal combination of GUI with keyboard and features is Total Commander, but it's Windows-only. MC is close, but misses GUI.

mloskot gravatar imagemloskot (Jun 9 '12)edit

Might sound odd, but I almost never use mouse, even under nautilus...

bruno.braga gravatar imagebruno.braga (Jun 10 '12)edit

If nautilus doesn't cut it, you could give krusader a try.

BroX gravatar imageBroX (Jul 27 '12)edit

answered Jun 9 '12

polaris202 gravatar image

Try gentoo. It's graphical, lightweight, fully-featured. You can configure your favorite keybord shortcuts and much much more. And you don't need Gnome or some like that installed, just GTK.


o thanks this is pretty awesome.

c1b3rh4ck gravatar imagec1b3rh4ck (Aug 12 '12)edit

answered Jun 8 '12

Michael gravatar image

I know people who are using pcmanfm or thunar or mc on the console. I dislike all file managers I know of, so I just stick with a shell and ls/cd/rm.

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Asked: Jun 8 '12

Seen: 29,801 times

Last updated: Sep 08