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ubuntu repository not working?

asked Mar 6 '13

Is the ubuntu repository not working at the moment? I precisely followed the instructions on, but when I do 'apt-get update' everything I get is the message, that connection to cannot be established!

2 answers

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answered Mar 6 '13

Michael gravatar image

The IP address changed, but the DNS is not yet updated to reflect that. It will be fixed soonish.


How long does it usually take for the DNS to be updated? It's still not working here...

mschaefer gravatar imagemschaefer (Mar 7 '13)edit

Hei Michael, I think something is wrong... it is down for me as well... $ wget -O - Connecting to (||:80... failed: Connection refused. ping/traceroute shows dns looks fine, but the server does not seem properly setup on port 80

bruno.braga gravatar imagebruno.braga (Mar 7 '13)edit

answered Mar 8 '13

updated Mar 8 '13

EDIT: Seems to work now, wget -O - gets through.

I'd like to bring this topic up again, because the problem bruno.braga refers to seems to be still existing. Is there any new information on how long it will take to fix? For the moment I'm experimenting with the 4.4 version from the developer repo but I would not like to keep it that way forever...

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Asked: Mar 6 '13

Seen: 333 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '13