anyway to include in config file
I am currently managing about 8 computers here and there, all using i3... and I have set of shared files and folders for stuff it can be reused in all (bash_aliases, bashrc, .vim, etc). In bash, specifically, is very convenient to use a dot to "include" other files within the executing script... I was wondering if we have (or could have) anything similar in i3 config file?
The main reason being, every time I change something in the config (happens quite often when I discover new things, or want certain windows to behave different from the default), and I have to update all files, over and over...
Any ideas?
I realize you have an answer, but I'd like to suggest what I do, it works great. I sync common dot files via a github repo[1] and a cron job. The fact that they are versioned is also attractive. [1]:
I would really like to advocate for adding including of files to i3. Something like being able to have a config.d directory, with small files instead of having this giant blob of text that is hard to share. Unfortunately, my skills with C is not enough to make this happen on my own :-(