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anyway to include in config file

asked 2013-03-10 23:31:58 +0000

updated 2013-03-10 23:32:22 +0000

I am currently managing about 8 computers here and there, all using i3... and I have set of shared files and folders for stuff it can be reused in all (bash_aliases, bashrc, .vim, etc). In bash, specifically, is very convenient to use a dot to "include" other files within the executing script... I was wondering if we have (or could have) anything similar in i3 config file?

The main reason being, every time I change something in the config (happens quite often when I discover new things, or want certain windows to behave different from the default), and I have to update all files, over and over...

Any ideas?

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I realize you have an answer, but I'd like to suggest what I do, it works great. I sync common dot files via a github repo[1] and a cron job. The fact that they are versioned is also attractive. [1]:

Wesley gravatar imageWesley ( 2013-05-24 18:52:26 +0000 )edit

I would really like to advocate for adding including of files to i3. Something like being able to have a config.d directory, with small files instead of having this giant blob of text that is hard to share. Unfortunately, my skills with C is not enough to make this happen on my own :-(

gustavnikolaj gravatar imagegustavnikolaj ( 2014-03-11 12:49:16 +0000 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2013-03-11 01:29:50 +0000

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it.

There is no include mechanism in i3 itself. But you can create the config file everytime X starts from templates.

cat $HOME/.config/i3/config.base \
    $HOME/.config/i3/config.local > $HOME/.config/i3/config
exec /usr/bin/i3

Something like this as a wrapper-script around i3 should work.

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Yeah, that sounds like the only option at this moment. Thanks!

bruno.braga gravatar imagebruno.braga ( 2013-03-11 04:05:50 +0000 )edit

answered 2013-05-21 23:29:26 +0000

marc gravatar image

I have the same problem. An include function would be very nice. Another option would be if/else conditons based on environment variables like $HOSTNAME etc. Creating the config on startup is an option but forces me to recreate the config file every time I made changes and want to reload the config on the fly.

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If you often reload the config file, just make your keybinding call the script + reload, or — if you reload from the commandline — create an alias which calls the script + i3-msg reload.

Michael gravatar imageMichael ( 2013-05-22 17:50:55 +0000 )edit

yes - that works - thanks!

marc gravatar imagemarc ( 2013-05-23 03:57:23 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2013-03-10 23:31:58 +0000

Seen: 2,665 times

Last updated: Aug 17 '14