i3 on Samsung Arm Chromebook?
Hey there fellow i3 users,
I am sitting in front of a shiny new Chromebook Series 3. I am wondering whether it would be smart to try using i3 on it. I managed to chroot into Ubuntu (via a script called crouton, very easy!), basically everything is in place for i3. LXDE is provided by default.
There is no up-to-date i3 build for arm devices, am I right? Are there any arm-compatible builds? Is it wise to build it from source on a untested(?) architecture? (As a not sooo advanced user)
Thanks for any Tips in advance! Jan
edit: A raspberry pi is running just in front of me and I installed i3 months ago. Sometimes things are extremely easy. i3 is a simple apt-get install i3 away. That will get you version 4.1. The question I tried to formulate yesterday is then, whether it is advisable for intermediate users to compile it from source, or if I missed a repository providing a newer version. Currently I am wondering, what size the toolchain will take, as the chromebook is short of disksize (16gb ssd).