Move workspace [closed]

asked Apr 2 '13

littlebobbytables gravatar image

updated Apr 2 '13

I'm trying to switch workspaces between two monitors with

bindsym $mod+x move workspace to output right

The problem is that on one monitor this doesn't do anything and on the other monitor it makes i3 crash

Closed for the following reason not a real question by Michael
close date 2013-04-02 19:48:12.140402


If it makes i3 crash, please submit a bug at Closing this, since it’s not a question.

Michael gravatar imageMichael (Apr 2 '13)edit

damn, tried to submit a bug, then I realized that I did not had the latest version (the one that is currently on Ubuntu repo is outdated), I upgraded and the bug was gone! Thanks for the suggestion!