Latest i3 version in Debian Stable
I've got a question about getting the latest version of i3 in Debian Stable. i3 Homepage says:
You are using Debian stable
The latest version of i3 will be in Debian testing quite soon. The version in Debian stable can be old, however (we cannot update it after stable has been released). The best way is to add Debian testing and tell apt to prefer Debian stable. You should not use our repository.
Now I was wondering what you exactly mean with "The best way is to add Debian testing and tell apt to prefer Debian stable"? I'm fairly new to Debian and if that's a dumb question I'm really sorry about that, but I just don't get it. Does it mean I should add backports? That I'd understand but why should I tell apt to use stable then? How do I do that anyway?
Again sorry if I'm just being dumb - any kind of help would be highly appreciated, thanks alot.