Open in specific window
There are some websites that I like to keep running in their own windows (instead of tabs), and dedicate a workspace for them (a music workspace, a webmail workspace, etc.). Therefore, I have created simple shell scripts such as
firefox -new-window
to launch them and added them to my PATH
. On my config
file, however, I already have
assign [class="Firefox"] 2. www
which opens generic Firefox on the 2. www
workspace. How could I configure i3 to open these specific pages in the right workspaces?
I though about using i3-msg
, but I figured that even if I change to the correct workspace, when I launch the script it will recognize it as Firefox window and will apply the assign
configured in the config
generally, have you considered spreading your browser windows across your workspaces (like treating any website as an application)? because, first, you want to have a radio web application seperated, next can be anything?
I'm not sure I got what you mean. Yes, I want to spread my browser windows across workspaces, one for a radio web application, one for webmail and another for general browsing.
sorry for the abiguity, i meant reconsidering the `assign [class="Firefox"] 2. www` line altogether, to be direct.