How to floating a window in front of all the workspaces
Is this possible and how?
I can just guess what you mean, but I think you search for a way to have a certain window inside of a floating container that is independent of a specific workspace. In that case, the scratchpad may be just the solution you are looking for.
Using the previous answer about a scratchpad, I've modified my config to the following:
#switch to workspace
bindsym $mod+1 exec "i3-msg workspace 1; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+2 exec "i3-msg workspace 2; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+3 exec "i3-msg workspace 3; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+4 exec "i3-msg workspace 4; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+5 exec "i3-msg workspace 5; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+6 exec "i3-msg workspace 6; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+7 exec "i3-msg workspace 7; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+8 exec "i3-msg workspace 8; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+9 exec "i3-msg workspace 9; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+0 exec "i3-msg workspace 10; i3-msg scratchpad show"
bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show
bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
This way, I simply send a floating window to the scratchpad with $mod+- and it's always visible when I switch workspaces.
Now it's possible to have a window on all workspaces much easier with i3 v4.11, just set the sticky modifier on the selected window and you get it on all your workspaces:
bindsym $mod+w sticky toggle
Asked: May 15 '13
Seen: 1,683 times
Last updated: Oct 12