additional dock (docky, GLX-Dock, awn...)
Hi all,
In my quest to make i3 even more awesome for me, I am trying different things and playing with some config files.
Currently I am using XFCE with i3 as window manager. This is great, because I am used to XFCE and it plays really well with the tiling wm.
What I tried today, was to use an additional dock (I tried the ones from the title) for some eye candy.
Has anybody already have a similar setup?
docky seems to run fine (unfortunately I can't put it on top of screen)
GLX-Dock was working on bottom (then I put it on the right edge and it screwd up. I had to kill it from another tty, because I wasn't even able to open a new terminal.
No luck so far with awn...
xfce4-bar works lovely.
As a new user to i3, I am interested to make the most of it. The i3 documentation is pretty good, but to achieve some more advanced/customized experience I prefer examples.
That is the background for the (not so clear) question.
I am (still) eager to see and hear what kind of launchers you use.
Where are the cli-die-hards that only use dmenu (or what have you). Where are the advantages. How does your config look like?
Are there also some "klickibunti" GUI guys, that prefer nice colorful menus? I mean who does not like to have a nice PC?
Of course I also like to hear from anyone that is somewhere in between (like most will be).
I hoped to see some solutions and inputs from other i3 users.
Your question is not really clear, but as you apparently have a partial answer, why don't you answer yourself?
I just wanted to know if anybody already has played with different dock applications.
Guess this is not the best place for a user survey. Please provide your own answer for `xfce4-bar`, as that might help others in a similar quest.