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"Full Screen" to Container

asked 2013-07-18 19:56:05 +0000

i3er gravatar image

updated 2013-07-21 07:09:21 +0000

Michael gravatar image

I sometimes find myself wanting to full screen windows to the container. Is there a way to do this?

Lets say I have a vertical or horizontal container that occupies half the screen. This container contains a browser window and a terminal window. Now when I go full-screen, say with the browser, (mod+f), the browser window expands to fill the entire screen obscuring the other containers and windows. I guess what I'm looking for is a mode where if I go full-container with the browser, then the browser window will expand to fill only its parent container. I hope this is clearer.

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Don't really understand what you want. Please be very explicit :)

joepd gravatar imagejoepd ( 2013-07-18 20:34:43 +0000 )edit

I edited your original question because the FAQ’s format is “one-question, many answers”, i.e. posting an answer that really is a question is not okay :).

Michael gravatar imageMichael ( 2013-07-21 07:10:03 +0000 )edit

3 answers

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answered 2013-08-21 14:17:05 +0000

scotths gravatar image

Perhaps temporarily enter tab mode (by default mod+w) then return to whatever mode the container was in previously (probably mod+e) when done. Note assuming that the window in question is a direct child of the container in question you would perform that operation after highlighting the window itself, not the container. (ie select what is to be the tab, not the container that is to be tabbed).

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answered 2014-02-03 22:33:55 +0000

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it.


I also needed a way to "fullscreen" a window to a container and I was able to figure out a (dirty) workaround.

You can use Xephyr to create a nested Xserver.

$ Xephyr :1 -ac -screen 460x340 &> /dev/null &

$ DISPLAY=:1 firefox --fullscreen

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answered 2014-02-04 17:56:21 +0000

TonyC gravatar image

Here is something I came up with for this purpose that I have in my config.

bindsym $mod+$mod2+f focus parent; fullscreen; focus child

Note that if the parent container is a workspace, it won't do anything because workspaces cannot be fullscreen. In that case, a normal fullscreen command will do.

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Asked: 2013-07-18 19:56:05 +0000

Seen: 1,979 times

Last updated: Feb 04 '14