What' the point that child container can have the same split mode with its parent?
Hi, i have moved to i3 wm recently from wmii. And i really like it. One thing i can not understand about i3 is: when a container split to vertical mode, like:
A | B
Then its child B can also be split to vertical mode:
A | [ B|C ]
This is very confusing sometime. It's not easy to find the relationship between A, B ,C quickly. There are just look exactly same as A,B,C in same level:
A | B | C
In my opinion, if a parent is in vertical mode, its children should be automatically switched to horizontal mode. Then "mod+h" and "mod+v" can be reduced to 1 key-binding. This could ease a lot of things.
Maybe i am not fully familiar with i3 yet. Please tell me if there some good reasons.
Thank you very much.