[libi3] ERROR: IPC: received EOF instead of reply [closed]

asked 2013-12-27 07:46:57 +0000

Berryicern gravatar image

4.7 - Linux - Compiled with DEBUG=0 and -DPANGO_SUPPORT=0

Every execution of i3-msg seem to be generating this error message in the /tmp/i3-${USER}.*/errorlog.${PID} log file. The i3-msg command appears to execute correctly and has a zero exit status, so I'm not sure why it's displaying that error message. I was researching a different issue (all workspaces other than '1' have the urgent flag set on startup) and noticed these error messages.

One example of a command that runs fine and does what it's supposed to do, but still generates the same error message in the log file.

i3-msg border "1pixel"
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Closed for the following reason not a real question by Michael
close date 2014-01-04 21:41:37.534260


Please file a ticket at bugs.i3wm.org

Michael gravatar imageMichael ( 2014-01-04 21:41:33 +0000 )edit