Only 1 Workspace and None Being Created
I just installed i3 (4.7 from the i3 Ubuntu repository) on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 13.10, but I can't seem to get more than 1 workspace. When I log in the bottom left only shows the single box with a "1" in it. The other workspaces seem to be working, but I can't change my view to actually see any workspace but workspace 1.
Examples: I can use mod+2 to move focus to workspace 2, but it doesn't actually change my view. It DOES make my current window lose focus, and causes the workspace "1" box to go gray out. I can then mod+1 to get back to workspace 1.
I can do other things like moving windows to and from other workspaces, and even create terminals in other workspaces and then move them to workspace 1. But I can't move my view.