Hiding / minimizing floating windows?
Is there a shortcut for getting floating windows out of the way? Something like minimizing, send to background, shading etc.
Is there a shortcut for getting floating windows out of the way? Something like minimizing, send to background, shading etc.
Read docs for scratchpad: http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_scratchpad
I understand your need but this defeats the purpose of tiling window manager, I guess?
You're probably right, it seems like I want something from both worlds. I'm working on an application with a GUI that requires a larger window than the one offered by scratchpad. Additionally, it will get closed and opened quite often. Anyway, thanks for your help!
Some feature like unity does a nice tiling for floating windows...
I have found tabbed mode to work well when I want to hide away a window, it's not exactly minimizing, and the window won't be floating any more.
Asked: 2012-08-12 03:27:08 +0000
Seen: 4,693 times
Last updated: May 24 '14