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How to remove windows decorations other than in stacking mode

asked 2014-03-07 21:53:18 +0000

anonymous user


How do you remove the window decoration when you're not stacking windows. Other than stacking, the decorations are pretty useless in terms of making the most of space on the screen. Also, how do you make the i3bar smaller and the decoration of the window smaller? Is there a feature such as the one achieved in wmii by Mod4+m? All borders also can they be modified to 1pixel rather than the size they come?

Thank you

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2 answers

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answered 2014-03-09 20:23:22 +0000

Adaephon gravatar image

The border style of new windows can be defined with new_window (Se Section 4.8 of the User's Guide). If you use none, there will be no window decorations except in stacked and tabbed layout. With 1pixel or pixel <size> there will only be borders, again except when stacked or tabbed. (Title bars cannot be deactivated in stacked or tabbed layout).

The size of the i3bar and the titlebar is dependent on the font size used and cannot be configured otherwise.

Tabbed layout work in a similar way as maxed mode in wmii, all titles of a container are displayed side by side in a single title bar.

Border sizes can be set in border styles pixel and normal. This is probably what you want:

new_window pixel 1
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answered 2014-03-09 21:12:53 +0000

jr88er gravatar image

Thank you for the answer

new_window 1pixel works perfect. Yes tabbed and maximized seems like the same function.

Under the bar section at the config file I have: font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 6 Changing the digit seems not have any effect on the size of the i3bar. And where to change the font for the top bar I don't know where that option can be set.

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Asked: 2014-03-07 21:53:18 +0000

Seen: 2,071 times

Last updated: Mar 09 '14