Emacs-like keybinding
I would like to make a couple of Emacs-like keybindings. For instance I would like to do $mod-t t ("$mod" and "t" down, release, and then "t") to bring up scrathpad-urxvt and $mod-t e to focus on Emacs.
I can somewhat do this using:
bindsym $mod+t t mode "scratchpad"
mode "scratchpad" {
bindsym t [class="(?i)urxvt"] scratchpad show
bindsym e [class="(?i)emacs"] focus
bindsym f [class="(?i)aurora"] focus
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"}
But I have to exit the scrathpad-mode using Enter which is annoying. Can I somehow make a "$mod-t t" key binding or make i3 exit a mode after a single one key?