Split in vertical orientation does not work (using $mod + v).
Hi all, I am facing a strange problem. I cannot change splitting-orientation (using $mod + v) though I have following lines in my ~/.i3/config
bindsym $mod+h split h
bindsym $mod+v split v
Nevertheless I am able to change orientation this way:
$ i3-msg split h # or split v, it works.
Can you suggest me a solution, please? :)
What is the output of ``grep '+h' ~/.config/i3/config``?
it probably should be `grep '+v' ~/.i3/config`. Although if there really is a `~/.config/i3/config` it would have precedence over `~/.i3/config`.
This should provide all necessary facts: ``grep -E '\+[hv]' ~/.{,config/}i3/config 2>/dev/null``:) but the Bigger Than sign (>) gets HTMLized in code brackets...