Initial workspace name [closed]
I have the following line in my config file:
bindsym $mod+quoteleft workspace emacs; exec --no-startup-id run_emacs
as a result, when I start reboot and start i3 from scratch, it opens on a workspace called "emacs; exec --no-startup-id run_emacs". What am I doing wrong and how to set the default workspace name to "1" again?
Best, Andrzej
Does the emacs workspace also has a number (like 1: emacs)?
No, it is not defined this way anywhere in the file.
Tried in my config and it works as intended (moves/creates wksp "emacs" and opens program). I have also set the bindsym $mod+0 to wksp "emacs" and $mod+Shift+0 to move container to wksp but I am not sure it is relevant. Still investigating...
The thing is, it works as intended for me too. The only thing is that when my system starts and i3 is run for the first time, the name of the initial workspace it will open on will be "emacs; exec --no-startup-id run_emacs". It is enough for me to press mod+1 to get workspace "1" again.
Sorry, I misunderstood your question. Could you post your config on pastebin or the like? It looks like your bindsym is executed at startup, then. Are you sure there is no such statement that you overlooked (a forgotten "experiment")? Is "quoteleft" correct (I don't have it in IT kbd)?