Can't get a window to start in the scratchpad - and i3 behaves very oddly
Following the advice in other questions here, I put this in my config:
exec_always urxvtc -fn xft:Inconsolata:size=11 -fg white -bg black -name scratchurxvt -e /usr/bin/fizsh
for_window [instance="scratchurxvt"] move scratchpad
urxvtc is the client program for starting a urxvt terminal when urxvtd (the daemon) is running. I start urxvtd with an exec line above these lines in the config.
Later on I have this
bindsym $mod+p scratchpad show
But once I start i3 the scratchpad does not respond. The scratchpad works ok if I manually move a window to it (using another keybinding). If I remove the for_window
directive, the terminal window pops up correctly on startup with the right title. When the for_window
directive is on, the terminal window does not appear - implying that it should have been moved to the scratchpad - but nothing happens when I press $mod+p. The same problem occurs if I use xterm instead of urxvtc.
The behaviour becomes even weirder if I use urxvt instead of urxvtc:
exec_always urxvt -fn xft:Inconsolata:size=11 -fg white -bg black -name scratchurxvt -e /usr/bin/fizsh
If I do this I cannot get any program to start. Pressing $mod + 2 does not open a new workspace either.
I find this very puzzling. How do I get this to work?