How to restore a scratchpad?
I am using the append_layout commands to restore my layouts upon login. Everything goes where it's supposed to, except for my chat window that I have to send manually to a scratchapd.
It's a minor annoyance but still would be great to have it fixed.
I also tried to add this to my .i3/config:
exec --no-startup-id 'i3-msg [title="default-chat"] move scratchpad'
'default-chat' is a chat joined by Pidgin by default upon startup. But this doesn't work. My guess is that this window isn't created yet by the time this line gets executed
Use "for_window [title='default-chat'] move scratchpad" instead.
no luck either :/
Just to be clear, `for_window [title="default-chat"] move scratchpad` is the whole line you need to put into your configuration instead of `exec ....`.
hey thanks I just figured that out :)