How to launch terminal application directly?
How do I launch any terminal application (think of mc, aptitude, tin, screen, vim, etc.) directly in i3 without manually opening a terminal first?
How do I launch any terminal application (think of mc, aptitude, tin, screen, vim, etc.) directly in i3 without manually opening a terminal first?
I use it to launch ranger file manager with a shortcut to exec termite -e ranger
, I want to be able to launch it from a special directory but I have some troubles with exec termite -e 'ranger ~/mydirectory'
, a termite window open and close immediately...
I've tried it directly in a terminal, not with binding keys, it does the same thing.
Ok, found out by myself in case of terminal is xterm:
exec xterm -e vim
If you have parameters for the terminal application, it should become:
exec xterm -e "screen -R -D"
This also works for keybindings, etc.
Asked: 2014-07-28 21:07:57 +0000
Seen: 944 times
Last updated: Jul 28 '14