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cssh window placement

asked 2012-09-07 13:59:11 +0000

TheQueasle gravatar image

For those unfamiliar with cssh, it allows multiple ssh sessions to be controlled via a single input and is very useful if you are doing the same task on multiple servers.

The downside to this on i3 is that it turns my workspace into a mess of striped terminals. I'll admit, when only doing 2-3 servers, it's not so bad, but after that the windows start becoming less useful for displaying info...


I was able to enable floating on just the cssh windows, but the downside to that is I have to move them myself after they are created. (the all get spawned on top of each other)

"The position and size of a (floating) window are not managed by i3, but by you." - i3 User Guide

Long story longer, is there a way to dictate how successive windows of a class are spawned? If I could get just cssh windows to spawn in a grid layout automatically, that would be amazing.

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I'm having the same problem. Just to clarify: cssh usually controls window placement itself. I *think* it worked with some earlier (4.x) version of i3; i.e., the windows weren't spawned on top of each other when floating was enabled for cssh windows. I guess we should provide some debug output.

Holger gravatar imageHolger ( 2012-09-07 16:07:06 +0000 )edit

I switched from cssh to tmux, you might want to try it. When you're connecting to more than about 10 servers, you might want to look into using something like fabric instead

Adrian gravatar imageAdrian ( 2012-09-19 09:45:59 +0000 )edit

3 answers

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answered 2015-06-18 15:09:41 +0000

oberon gravatar image

updated 2015-06-18 15:15:03 +0000

Maybe for those situations would it be useful to switch your desktop layout to stacking or even better tabbed?:

bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split


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answered 2015-06-17 09:35:20 +0000

tof gravatar image

It does work for me, with this i3 config :

for_window [title="CSSH"] floating enable

Maybe you can just select the "retile windows" menu entry of cssh, after launch ? (alt-r shortcut).

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answered 2012-09-08 23:15:40 +0000

Michael gravatar image

Spawning windows in a grid automatically is not possible currently, unless you write an external script for it (which is possible, but I haven’t done it and I don’t know of any such script).

As for floating windows not opening in the right spot: You can check the i3 logfile (see for the geometry which a floating window requests.

One likely cause for floating windows not opening in the right spot is that the application might save the previous window position/size and try to restore it.

You mentioned that it worked with a previous version of i3. Reverting to that version and narrowing it down would be helpful. If you figure out it’s between (say) 4.1 and current git "next", you could use git bisectto figure out the exact commit which introduced the problem. In any case, once you’re sure this is a regression, please file a ticket at

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I'll definitely take a look at the logs and/or start a script. I'm always up for a challenge :) As far as 'it worked with a previous version of i3' goes, that was from Holger's comments to the original post. I just started using i3 at 4.2 Thanks!

TheQueasle gravatar imageTheQueasle ( 2012-09-10 17:56:56 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2012-09-07 13:59:11 +0000

Seen: 1,042 times

Last updated: Jun 18