Cursor has disappeared after upgrading to Ubuntu 14.10
I upgrade from 14.04.1 to 14.10 and reboot. In login screen and unity cursor is presence but when I logged in i3wm cursor is disappear.
I upgrade from 14.04.1 to 14.10 and reboot. In login screen and unity cursor is presence but when I logged in i3wm cursor is disappear.
This problem solved by
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false
in console
I had the same problem. Solved it by starting unity-settings-daemon instead of gnome-settings-daemon at startup.
Here is the line I put to ~/.i3/config:
exec --no-startup-id unity-settings-daemon
Asked: Oct 24 '14
Seen: 5,341 times
Last updated: Oct 26 '14
Is it gone everywhere or just on the background whithout any windows on the workspace? That is, if you open an application, is the cursor visible again?
Cursor not visible everywere but it working. I mean cursor is just invisible.
I changed cursor theme but cursor stay invisible in i3wm and only in i3wm.
Both of the solutions below work, but several other things stopped working after my upgrade and the only way to make everything work again is to use `unity-settings-daemon` instead of `gnome-settings-daemon`