Is it possible to match a window based on the window type? (NORMAL, DIALOG etc.)
Shutter is a pretty awesome screenshot tool, but it doesn't have any distinctive instance names or window roles for its various windows. This makes it impossible to write i3 criteria to match the main window of the application, since it has the same role, class and instance as all the other windows.
The only distinctive feature I can find about the main window is that the window type is set to "normal":
While the other windows are "dialogs".
There doesn't seem to be a way to match window types using just the criteria though, so do you guys know of a different way to match the main window?
Currently I am doing this:
# Shutter
set $shutter [class="Shutter" title="^Session"]
set $prtscr 107
for_window $shutter move scratchpad
bindcode $prtscr $shutter scratchpad show
This causes the Shutter main window to get hidden in the scratchpad when launched, and I can summon it using the PrtScr key. The problem is that the Shutter window title only starts with "Session" when there are no screenshots in the Shutter session. As soon as I actually grab a screenshot, the window title changes and this configuration stops working.
I am experimenting with using marks to solve this, but I haven't had any luck yet.
I have filed a bug report:
- https:// /shutter/+bug/1441942
- https:// /cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=782181
NB: I tried to all lots of useful links to relevant parts of the documentation, but apparently my karma is too low