How can we move focus between tiling and floating windows
Whenever I get a window that is floating and with focus, I can not get the focus to the other tiled windows without moving the mouse. Is there any way to achieve that with keyboard?
Whenever I get a window that is floating and with focus, I can not get the focus to the other tiled windows without moving the mouse. Is there any way to achieve that with keyboard?
This wm is amazing... I ended up finding the answer when writing this question... (laughs). It is defined in .i3/config (by default) as:
# toggle tiling / floating
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
# change focus between tiling / floating windows
bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
So to move the focus from floating to tiled windows, use $mod+Shift+space!
(this was bothering me for a month!)
Sorry for posting this here, as it may sound like regurgitating the documentation, but I felt that some keywords from the question might help people find this problem.
Asked: 2012-06-06 08:55:07 +0000
Seen: 1,701 times
Last updated: Jun 06 '12