Unable to change modifier key from meta to super
Hello, when I first started out I used super as the modifier key, I chose this at the start up wizard, then I decided to change the mod key to meta/alt (whatever it's called) using this in the ~/.i3/config :
set $mod Mod1
set $sup Mod4
I quickly realised afterwards that it ruined my emacs keybindings so now I want to change it back. However nothing works, I've swapped the two commands around above, but still meta is the modifier key. Clearly I am missing something!
PS I used xev and can confirm that windows key is returning Super_L,
and the alt key is returning Alt_L
. Anyone help me with this one please?
These lines just set some variables but do not actually change anything unless the variables are used. Do your `bindsym`/`bindcode` command actually utilize `$mod` or `$sup` (e.g. `bindsym $mod+Shift+x exec xclock`)?