Switching tabs by keyboard
asked 2015-04-16 10:21:34 +0000

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I would like to configure alt-1 key to switch focus to the first window on the current workspace, alt-2 to second and so alt-N to Nth window.
The idea is, I would like to use several xterms in tab-view being able to switch them like tabs in gnome-terminal by alt-1...N keys. Currently, I can only configure key-binding for switching next/prev tabs.
If I can switch tabs/windows like this, I would appreciate to be able to hide the "tab" panel. Even if it is just 10pixel hight, it's IMO waste of my screen space ;-)
I spent some time investigating the i3 source code and it should not be a big problem to implement the "alt-N feature" by myself. But I would like to avoid of doing something what somebody has already done before.
Ok, this is how I handle workspaces/terminals.
My favorite terminal is at: (can't tell you, since "Could not post, because your karma is insufficient to publish links"). It was implemented by the friend of my. I've just changed it slightly. I switch workspaces by F1..F9 keys, I have browser on F4, F1-F3 and F5-F9 are terminals. Each terminal has tabs which I can switch by alt-[number]. You can imegine a 2D matrix. F* keys switches X-axes, alt-* switches Y-axes. So, I can edit, build and debug different project on each workspace.
I'm thinking why I need a special terminal for this if I can use just a basic xterm (which is btw. one of the fastest terminal) and i3 could provide me with everything else I need.
And yes, I want to hide the tab-bar. I know my terminal is xterm, so why should I have this written in the tab-bar? It is useless information, 1 or 2 useful terminal lines are wasted.
If I understand correctly, you want to have exactly one - tabbed - container on the current workspace. With only one terminal visible at a time. And if possible you want to get rid of the title bar. Why not just run each terminal on its own workspace, bound to Alt+N and set `border none`?
I modified the post to explain.