Maintain floating window position after inplace restart
If I set a defined placement for a new floating window, for example
for_window [class="Mousepad"] floating enable move right 332px,move up 213px for_window [class="Thunar"] floating enable move right 332px,move down 80px
Then if I restart i3 using $MOD+Shift+r
, the layout gets a bit diplaced. It seems to happen when I have say both above open (not specific to those apps, just using them in my example), but if I only have one floating window open it does not get displaced.
For instance I have a terminal window open with specific size and plaement in autostart on the left. That window is not affected. Only the positioned floating windows on the right using the code above.
Is there a way to lock down the positions? Its really not a huge deal, curious though if there is a way or syntax i can add.