[solved]for_window qemu windows
I'm looking for a good way to use qemu with Windows 7.
My problem: qemu + Windows 7 does not seem aware of the window size so the screen doesn't look nice at all. My display is 1440 x 900 and I'd like qemu to be in an floating 1280 x 800 window (that means 1280 x 800 available to Windows and not 1280 x 800 minus i3 boarder + stuff available to Windows). I tried
for_window [class="QEMU*"] floating enable, size 1280 x 800
in my ~/.i3/config
with no effect. The window is not floating automatically and if I put it in floating mode I still have to adjust the size manually.
My qemu window is named QEMU Windows (qemu parameter -name Windows
Thank you for your suggestions. Maximilian