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Automatically stack mplayer/mpv

asked May 16 '14

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When I open a terminal and run mpv, I usually don't need to see the terminal anymore. It would be neat if i3 would automatically put those two windows into stacked or tabbed mode.

I tried for_window [class="^mpv$"] layout tabbed for a while, but it's too annoying:

  • If there are any other windows around, they get pulled into stacked mode, too, and I have to untangle everything.

  • I only want the "parent window" of mpv to be stacked. For example, I have a shortcut that runs youtube-dl on the URL in the clipboard. If I'm browsing the web and hit that shortcut, nothing should be stacked because mpv doesn't have a parent window.

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answered May 25 '14

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There’s multiple approaches:

You could use a function in your ~/.zshrc that closes the shell but still runs the command:

function e() {
    eval "$* &|"

Then, just run e mpv foo.mp4

You could also build a script using the IPC interface:

In that script, you’d send the commands to create a new stacked/tabbed container before running mpv. It’s probably a bit tricky to do this in a generic fashion (i.e. working for every layout), but maybe you can get it to work for the layout(s) you typically use.


answered May 19 '14

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it.

I think that should do. I tested it on my mplayer.

for_window [class="M(?i)Player"] focus right; splitv; focus left, move right; layout tabbed

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Asked: May 16 '14

Seen: 408 times

Last updated: May 25 '14