Some key bindings do not work reliably when also using gnome-settings-daemon
I have a shell script in my home directory that lets me control spotify and I'm trying to use it with these lines in my i3 config.
bindsym X86AudioPlay exec sh /home/kviktor/spotify-control play
bindsym X86AudioNext exec sh /home/kviktor/spotify-control next
bindsym X86AudioPrev exec sh /home/kviktor/spotify-control prev
(The script can be found on GitHub)
The commands work reliably, when started from a shell. However they do not always work when using the key bindings. Sometimes this image pops and nothing else happens:
I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and i3 version 4.7.2 (2014-01-23, branch "tags/4.7.2"). Spotify is started with exec
from my i3 configuration. I also have gnome-settings-daemon running.
This window is definitely not from *i3*, so I'd guess that it is an issue with spotify-control. So the question is: does that also happen when you call it from a shell?
`exec sh /home/kviktor/spotify-control play` into my shell works like a charm. It seems like the script is not even ran.
While `exec` is also a valid shell command, here it is a *i3* command and **not** part of the actual command, which in this case starts with `sh`. Could you post a link to the source of that script or, if it is not too long, add it to the question?
This is it
Ok, so the script only sends messages to spotify via DBus and nothing else. That only leaves the Spotify as creator of the image. I would say that `bindsym` works just fine, as indeed *something* is happening, just not the expected thing. There may be an issue with Spotify itself.