Forcing windows as always floating
Is there a way to force specific windows to be always floating? I reckon some already do that by default (some configuration windows) and others don't.
One classic example here is maybe nautilus "File Operations" window, which shows up when you are copying or moving files in your file system.
The xprop command returns:
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "file_progress", "Nautilus"
To make it be floating by default, I append to the .i3/config file:
for_window [class="Nautilus" instance="file_progress"] floating enable
But, is there any other way? I was wondering what would be the criteria to decide whether to display it floating or not. Meaning, I would not want to keep doing this to every window that wrongfully (well, maybe this is just my perspective) goes tiled instead of floated.
Any ideas?