Some exec commands not being executed on i3 startup
I'm running i3 version 4.3 on Ubuntu Precise.
I have the "exec" commands below in my .i3/config. (username removed), and am invoking i3 using the display manager (LightDM?) session, not using a .xsession.
Only a subset of them appear to be taking any effect. Specifically, everything up to bluetooth-applet appears to be being executed correctly.
- My "i3init" script is called correctly and the environment variables for gnome-keyring-daemon are correctly set.
- Gnome-settings-daemon, nm-applet, and bluetooth-applet are all started, and the latter two appear in the dock.
- My custom keybindings are not taking effect (remapping capslock to escape, remapping the "menu" key to "compose"
- My .Xresources file doesn't appear to be being merged correctly; when I start uxrvt, all colours are set to pink. I need to run "xrdb -merge ..." again before my colourschemes are obeyed.
- There are no instances of autocutsel running
- My background image is not set.
- Also, seemingly my custom configuration commands (e.g. mod+p -> dmenu) are not being processed. This is resolved by hitting mod+shift+c after logging in, at which point my keybindings work. Not sure if this is the same root cause or something different; I'll open a separate question if required.
All the commands below work successfully in executed in a terminal. I've tried them with and without the --no-startup-id
Can anyone suggest some possible further debugging steps?
# i3init; starts gnome-keyring-daemon exec "i3init" # Start some applets exec "/usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon" exec "/usr/bin/nm-applet" exec "/usr/bin/bluetooth-applet" # Xresources, xmodmap, start urxvt daemon exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/xmodmap /home/<user>/.keymap" exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/urxvtd -q -f -o" exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/xrdb -merge /home/<user>/.Xresources" # Start autocutsel to sync clipboards exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/autocutsel -f -s PRIMARY" exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/autocutsel -f -s CLIPBOARD" exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/autocutsel -f -s SECONDARY" # Set background exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/feh --bg-scale /path/to/some/image.jpg"