TMUX in Scratchpad [SOLVED]
I'm new to using scratchpad and maybe one of you can help. I want to have a TMUX session in my Scratchpad, automatically executed on startup.
So far, I' using a setup without TMUX like this:
exec --no-startup-id urxvt -name Scratch -e ranger
for_window[class="URxvt" instance="Scratch"] move window to scratchpad, border 1pixel
This is working just fine. What I want to have is something like that:
exec 'urxvt -name Scratch -e tmux new-session -s Scratch -n FM ranger'
exec --no-startup-id 'tmux new-window -n Cal wyrd'
exec --no-startup-id 'tmux new-window -n Music ncmpcpp'
This, however doesn't work. Either a scratchpad is initiated nor a TMUX session.
If I am sending the above commands via 'i3-msg', it does work, which I find rather disturbing.
Any ideas anyone?
Meanwhile I can start up a tmux session using this function in my
function scratch
tmux attach -t Scratch
or begin
tmux new-session -s Scratch -d -n Music ncmpcpp
and tmux new-window -n Files ranger
and tmux new-window -n Cal wyrd
and tmux new-window -n Todo vit
and tmux selectw -t 1
and tmux attach-session -d
which is invoked by my i3.conf via
exec --no-startup-id urxvt -name Scratch -e fish -c scratch
But it is not handled by the hook
for_window[class="URxvt" instance="^Scratch"] move window to scratchpad, border 1pixel
Can you confirm that class and instance are set correctly on the urxvt window in your workaround?